I won't bore you with a copy and paste text of the Deeper PRO+ 2 specifications…

I can read and you can read. I will rather tell you of the new improvements to this new little ball and the effects it has on fishing and the whole user experience.

Now just to be clear, it is not just a little ball. In fact, this “little ball” is packed with leading technology and is a definite game changer in the angling industry. It has changed the way we look at fish finding equipment, a piece of gear we never thought we needed. Yes, we have caught many fish without the use of a sonar/fish finder, but the uniqueness of the Deeper Sonars got our attention and we have never looked back since.

Just like a kid in a candy store, when a new toy hits the market, we just have to get our hands on it and explore and play with it, to see what the fuss is about. Obviously. Great was the excitement when a Deeper parcel arrived from our favourite fish finding sonar partner and friends. Before we can say yay or nay, first we had to get the newest Deeper PRO+ 2 wet!

We set out to a venue that is quite tricky. The obstacles and challenges we face at this venue include very wary carp in crystal clear water. Depths up to 10m, thick weeds and watergrass with lush reeds in the margins.

Even with the clear water, seeing what is going on below the surface is great, yes, but the eye can only see so much, and the visibility is only partially clear on the best of days and conditions. That is where the Deeper Sonar comes in with its leading technology.

Major reconstructions on this piece of land are changing the structure, bottom and depth of the dam on a weekly basis. Rescanning the swim with every session is a necessity to know what has changed and how it has changed.

At first the hot spot for good-sized carp had bulky boulders and rocks, deep stretches of reeds in between the boulders and massive growths of weeds and grass in front of the reeds. Resulting in having to retrieve most catches by boat.

This, however, has changed in a matter of a few months, to what the eye alone can see, thinned-out reeds, and a completely massive new dam wall. Extreme geographical changes like this called for experts, namely the new Deeper PRO+ 2.

The Deeper PRO+ 2 showed that the depth has also been altered drastically and a gradual slope, as a result of the newly created dam wall, is now the new margin feature in this hot spot. The bulky boulders are gone, covered in sandy gravel with ever so slight debris and weedy patches. The average deepest depth of 10m now has changed to just below 8m due to pumping and geographical reconstruction, and it continues to change. The mid-water is seemingly uninteresting, with a few small gravel patches, mostly a thin covering of silt and debris, and very few fish visible except for a few young catfish just below the surface.

Although we did see a few fish on the Sonar readings, we were slightly concerned that the carp have moved away from this hot spot due to the drastic geographical changes and construction. Sadly, this is the only fishable area from the shore. The only thing we could do was to map the area and work from there.

We mapped out the new changes to the hot spot. After playing around between the wide and mid beams, I found a carpy looking spot using the mid beam (20°). Right where the newly created slope levels out and a small gravel patch was clearly visible between the reed and weed debris. We adjusted the baiting and feeding plan accordingly and the traps were set!

Then it was just a matter of time, patience and trust in our gear and strategy, and a prayer to the carp gods. It was not long when the first of many started taking the bait and we were into the fish. Catching any size carp from this challenging venue makes me proud and knowing I can trust my Deeper Sonar, has given me an advantage in many situations where the carp gods had other plans.

For the anglers that like to know the technical aspects of their gear, here are the specs of the Deeper PRO+ 2 in a nutshell:

Weighing in at only 90g, (yes, smaller than an average tennis ball) the Deeper PRO+ 2 has an operating time of up to 9 hours and can be charged via USB cable (included) and fast charge to 100% within an hour. With the new 3 beam frequencies, you can scan larger areas with the wide beam (47°), or switch to the mid beam (20°) for provisioning hot spots, or the narrow beam (7°) for targeting species and homing in on structures and features. The Deeper PRO+ 2 has a scanning depth of up to 100m deep and connectivity at 100m range when casting. The Deeper PRO+ 2 connects via Wi-Fi and has built-in GPS to map out your fishing area. These maps are accessible even when disconnected from the sonar device.


What I Love about the Deeper Sonars

Size. The main selling point for me personally and honestly was the fact that it is the size of a tennis ball (slightly smaller actually), has no cables, transducer, or batteries to pickle about and around. A petite compact set up. The battery life is outstanding. I have used my Deeper Sonar on multiple sessions without having to recharge in between sessions.

Versatility. Deeper Sonars are extremely versatile. You can attach the Deeper Sonar to your boat, kayak, or bait boat. You can cast the Deeper Sonar from the shore, or you can cast it from your boat! Excellent for scouting new waters and quick sessions. *Note: many accessories available to up your Deeper game, from boat and smartphone mounts to smartphone cases and night fishing covers for better visibility, not to mention the snazzy apparel.

Affordability. Thinking that all you really need to map a swim is your smartphone, a Deeper Sonar, and the free Fish Deeper app, it is affordable and a great investment. It is also extremely user-friendly. The app is straightforward with many options and settings, and newbies will get the hang of it within the first few uses.

No data, Wi-Fi, or airtime necessary to use the Fish Deeper app. Yes, I finally tested it with a smartphone that did not have a sim card in it. I downloaded the Fish Deeper app via hotspot from another smartphone and simply logged in and connected the Deeper Sonar as usual with GPS/Location switched on. It works without being connected to a network provider!

A different kind of movie: When the action slows down, I love to sit back and re-watch the sonar readings in the comfort of my bed or chair. The scanning sessions are stored on the app. Simply download it and watch offline. Many times, when re-watching the sonar scans, I find a snag or hot spot that I somehow missed during the active scanning and can mark it quickly for future reference.

HERO PRO TIP: At venues with barely any interesting features, or schools of fish constantly moving. Simply looking for fish with the Deeper Sonar and seeing dropping lines in the area will most definitely save a blank.

HERO PRO TIP: When you have mapped and marked your swim, you can use the app without connecting to the sonar. Simply switch on your location/GPS on your smartphone to follow the map to the marked areas.

Basically, you need a smartphone, the Fish Deeper app installed, log in using your account and a Deeper Sonar. Attach it to your rod or boat and you are set.

Reasons not to get a Deeper PRO+ 2? NONE!


Molli van der Merwe


Choose Your Sonar